Context. In the post-pandemic era, software professionals resist returning to office routines, favoring the flexibility gained from remote work. Hybrid work structures, then, become popular within software companies, allowing them to choose not to work in the office every day, preserving flexibility, and creating several benefits, including an increase in the support for underrepresented groups in software development. Goal. We investigated how software professionals from underrepresented groups are experiencing post-pandemic hybrid work. In particular, we analyzed the experiences of neurodivergents, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and people with disabilities working in the software industry. Method. We conducted a case study focusing on the underrepresented groups within a well-established South American software company. Results. Hybrid work is preferred by software professionals from underrepresented groups in the post-pandemic era. Advantages include improved focus at home, personalized work setups, and accommodation for health treatments. Concerns arise about isolation and inadequate infrastructure support, highlighting the need for proactive organizational strategies. Conclusions. Hybrid work emerges as a promising strategy for fostering diversity and inclusion in software engineering, addressing past limitations of the traditional office environment.