Fri 19 Jul 2024 14:54 - 15:12 at Mandacaru - Program Analysis and Performance 3 Chair(s): Shaukat Ali

Modern software systems heavily rely on various libraries, necessitating understanding API semantics in static analysis. However, summarizing API semantics remains challenging due to complex implementations or the unavailability of library code artifacts. This paper presents DAInfer, a novel approach for inferring API aliasing specifications from library documentation. Specifically, we employ Natural Language Processing (NLP) models to interpret informal semantic information provided by the documentation, which enables us to reduce the specification inference to an optimization problem. Furthermore, we propose a new technique called neurosymbolic optimization to efficiently solve the optimization problem, yielding the desired API aliasing specifications. We have implemented DAInfer as a tool and evaluated it upon Java classes from several popular libraries. The results indicate that DAInfer inferred the API aliasing specifications with a precision of 79.78% and a recall of 82.29%, averagely consuming 5.35 seconds per class. These obtained aliasing specifications further facilitated alias analysis, revealing 80.05% more alias facts for API return values in 15 Java projects. Additionally, the tool supported taint analysis, identifying 85 more taint flows in 23 Android apps. These results demonstrate the practical value of DAInfer in library-aware static analysis.

Fri 19 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change

14:00 - 15:30
Program Analysis and Performance 3Research Papers at Mandacaru
Chair(s): Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory and Oslo Metropolitan University
Bin2Summary: Beyond Function Name Prediction in Stripped Binaries with Functionality-specific Code Embeddings
Research Papers
Zirui Song The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jiongyi Chen National University of Defense Technology, Kehuan Zhang The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Active Monitoring Mechanism for Control-based Self-Adaptive Systems
Research Papers
Yi Qin State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Yanxiang Tong State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Yifei Xu State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Chun Cao State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Xiaoxing Ma State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University
Cut to the Chase: An Error-Oriented Approach to Detect Error-Handling Bugs
Research Papers
Haoran Liu National University of Defense Technology, Zhouyang Jia National University of Defense Technology, Shanshan Li National University of Defense Technology, Yan Lei Chongqing University, Yue Yu National University of Defense Technology, Yu Jiang Tsinghua university, Xiaoguang Mao National University of Defense Technology, Liao Xiangke National University of Defense Technology
DAInfer: Inferring API Aliasing Specifications from Library Documentation via Neurosymbolic Optimization
Research Papers
Chengpeng Wang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Jipeng Zhang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Rongxin Wu School of Informatics, Xiamen University, Charles Zhang The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Decomposing Software Verification Using Distributed Summary Synthesis
Research Papers
Dirk Beyer LMU Munich, Matthias Kettl LMU Munich, Thomas Lemberger LMU Munich
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