Bashar Nuseibeh

Registered user since Sat 26 Aug 2017

Name:Bashar Nuseibeh

Bashar Nuseibeh is Professor of Computing at The Open University (Director of Research 2001-2008). Previously, he a Professor of Software Engineering at Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre (Chief Scientist 2009-2012 & 2017-2023). He was also a Reader (Associate Professor) in Computing at Imperial College London and Head of its Software Engineering Laboratory. He was a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London (2005-2015), and is currently an Honorary Professor at University College London and a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan, and University Collage Dublin (UCD), Ireland.

His current research interests lie at the intersection of requirements engineering, adaptive systems, and security and privacy. He served as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, of the Automated Software Engineering Journal, and of ACM Transactions on Autonomous & Adaptive Systems. He is Associate Editor if IEEE Security & Privacy and Software Engineering Editor of ACM Books. He chaired the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) and IFIP Working Group 2.9 on Requirements Engineering.

He received an ICSE Most Influential Paper Award, a Philip Leverhulme Prize, an Automated Software Engineering Fellowship, and a Senior Research Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He also received the ACM SigSoft Distinguished Service Award, the IFIP Outstanding Service Award, and RE Lifetime Service Award.

His research work crosses a number of discipline boundaries in computing, and has received best paper/artefact awards in software engineering, logic programming, human-computer interaction, and security & privacy. He received a Royal Society-Wolfson Merit Award and a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant on Adaptive Security and Privacy.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institution of Engineering & Technology, the British Computer Society, and the Irish Computer Society, and is a Member of Academia Europaea and the Royal Irish Academy.

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:The Open University, UK
Personal website:
Research interests:requirements engineering, adaptive systems, security, privacy, forensics


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