Registered user since Wed 14 Dec 2022
Gustavo Carvalho is a lecturer at Centro de Informática of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil. His main research interest is on Software Engineering, with emphasis on testing and formal methods. He has authored about 30 peer-reviewed publications, besides reviewing papers for international conferences (FM, SEFM, ICTAC, TASE) and journals (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Formal Aspects of Computing, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Information and Software Technology, Software and Systems Modeling, Science of Computer Programming). In 2020, he served as PC co-chair of the XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods. In 2021, he served as the chair of the Formal Methods Special Group at the Brazilian Computer Society. He also has experience with tool development, integrating Eclipse-based applications with formal-method tools, such as FDR, CPN Tools, RT-Tester, TTM T-VEC, among others.
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