Zhe Liu

Registered user since Fri 24 Apr 2020

Name:Zhe Liu

I am an assistant to special researcher (assistant scientist) at the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. I obtained my PhD from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), China. My research focuses on Software Engineering, Mobile Testing, Deep Learning and Human-Computer Interaction. Specifically, I apply AI and light-weight program analysis technology in the following directions:

AI(LLM)-assisted automated mobile app development including requirement elicitation app GUI testing [ICSE’23a, ICSE’23b, ICSE’24a, ICSE’24b], usability [ASE’20, FSE’21, TSE’22, ASE’22], and bug replay [ICSE’23, ICSE’24].

Human machine collaborative testing including testing guide for testers [CHI’22, ICSE’22].

AI-empowered mining software repository including issue report mining [ESEM’23, ESEM’24].

My research interest includes Software Engineering and Human Machine Interaction. I have published 15 papers at the top international Software Engineering and Human Machine Interaction conferences/journal (CCF-A) with total google scholar citations 131.

Affiliation:Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research interests:Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, UI Testing, Mobile Testing, Crowd Testing


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