Matteo Esposito

Registered user since Mon 10 Jul 2023

Name:Matteo Esposito

Nice to meet you!

  • Full Name: Matteo Esposito
  • Date of Birth: May 29, 1997
  • Current Role: Researcher
  • Current Affiliation: University of Oulu

Overview. I have a strong affinity for literature, numbers, technology, and music. I am finishing a Ph.D. in “Computer Science, Control, and Geoinformation” at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and am currently Researcher at University of Oulu.

Research Interests. Within the realm of computer science, my interests are centered around software engineering, including:

  • Secure Software Engineering
  • Large Language Models for SSE
  • Quantum Software Engineering

Teaching and Mentorship. Teaching and mentorship are close to my heart. As an adjunct professor or teaching assistant, I am privileged to guide and inspire future computer scientists, helping them nurture their talents and develop a love for SSE.

Social Engagement. Beyond academia, I actively engage in social initiatives that leverage technology to bridge the digital divide and promote technological literacy in underserved communities. Additionally, I devote my time to projects and events to promote scientific culture, inclusivity, and community unity.

Affiliation:University of Oulu
Research interests:Secure Software Engineering, Large Language Models for SSE, Quantum Software Engineering


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