Registered user since Wed 26 Jul 2017
Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer is an Associate Professor in the College of Innovation & Technology at the University of Michigan-Flint. Dr. Mkaouer is the graduate director of the Master’s in Software Engineering and the Master’s in Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Mkaouer’s research interests are at the intersection of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. It includes software quality assurance, and systems refactoring, and he has co-authored over 130 peer-reviewed papers, including works appearing in top venues like TSE, TOSEM, EMSE, ICSE, FSE, CHI, and ASE. Dr. Mkaouer has been PI/Co-PI on $1.5 million in externally funded projects. He is the recipient of 5 best-paper / presentation awards, and he is the recipient of the RIT 2020 GCCIS best-emerging scholar award.
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