Registered user since Thu 9 Sep 2021
Dr. Xi Zheng received the Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2015. From 2005 to 2012, he was the Chief Solution Architect for Menulog Australia. He is currently the Director of Intelligent Systems Research Group (ITSEG.ORG), Director of International engagement in the School of Computing, Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor US) and Deputy Program Leader in Software Engineering, Macquarie University, Australia. His research interests include Cyber-Physical Systems Testing and Verification, Safety Analysis, Distributed Learning, Internet of Things, and Software Engineering in general. He has secured more than $1.2 million competitive funding in Australian Research Council (Linkage and Discovery) and Data61 (CRP) projects on safety analysis, model testing and verification, and trustworthy AI on autonomous vehicles. He also won a few awards including Deakin Industry Researcher (2016) and MQ Earlier Career Researcher (Runner-up 2020). He has a number of highly cited papers and best conference papers. He served as PC members for Software and System flagship conferences including FSE (2022,2024) and PerCom (2017-2024). He also served as the PC chairs of IEEE CPSCom- 2021, IEEE Broadnets-2022 and associate editor for ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies.
- Testing Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems with Large-Language Models: A Formal Approach
- Session Chair of Testing 1 (part of Research Papers)
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Student Research Competition-track
- Session Chair of Fault Diagnosis and Root Cause Analysis 2 (part of Research Papers)
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Research Papers-track
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