Tracks (26 results)

2030 Software Engineering

… ; Lawrence, Neil; Mennen, Lars, Requirements are All You Need: The Final Frontier …, and we hope to meet with you all in Porto de Galinhas, however, we understand … a roadmap for software engineering for the next decade. We invite all


… papers will not be published in the proceedings and need not address all stated … that make a submission.

All submissions should be sent …


… Track provides a venue for researchers to submit replications of all types … approaches. We welcome all types of empirical studies (controlled experiments, case studies, etc.) and all types of analyses (quantitative and qualitative …

Challenge Track

… creation is the process of taking all the accepted papers to a conference … challenging are as follows:


  1. Total time for all … in a particular conference along with all the corresponding data: title, topics …

Main Track

… “Software for all and by all” is the future of humanity. AIware, i.e., AI … reimagine software and software engineering (SE), enabling individuals of all … creation is within the reach of Software Makers of all levels of SE expertise …

Industry Statements and Demo Track

… review.

Important dates

All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h). Dates …

Research Papers

… describing novel and original work in all areas of SBSE including, but not limited … papers must be of up to 15 pages, including all text, figures, references …

SSBSE Challenge

… Prize

All accepted submissions will compete for a cash prize of USD 500 …-anonymous restrictions. All accepted contributions will be published in the conference …

Hot off the Press

… community.

We expect all submissions to this track to highlight and clearly …

Research Papers

… should have no more than 18 pages for all text and figures, plus 4 pages … this year is “heavy”, i.e., the paper anonymity will be maintained during all reviewing … external plagiarism detection software.

All publications are subject to the [ACM …

Student Research Competition

… includes all fields of computer science. Here is how you can participate.

Submit ….

All research abstracts must conform to the [FSE 2024 Format and Submission …, 2024, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil}`

All research abstracts must not exceed …


… in a single PDF (with all fonts included) through the online submission site: [https …:** Software runs the world and should provide equal rights and opportunities to all … of mobile apps. Making sure that applications are accessible to all users, regardless …

How to Submit

… .

All publications are subject to the ACM Author Representations policy.

All authors …/policies).

Submission Format

All submissions must be in English …

Industry Mentoring Symposium

… The purpose of the Industry Mentoring Workshop is to provide mentoring and career advice to senior undergraduate and junior researchers at all stages. The goal is to provide them insights into what skills are needed to be successful …

New Faculty Symposium

… transcend all these challenges and feel they have a most rewarding, intellectually …, and mid-career faculty members can all benefit from sharing experiences, doubts …

Industry Papers

… submissions that cover all aspects of software engineering, so long as they have … submissions from all areas of industry and for all software engineering techniques, tools … criteria, but short papers are expected to have a smaller set of contributions. All

Open Science Policy

… progress via transparency and availability of all outputs produced at each … source principles. We encourage all contributing authors to disclose … and that all submissions will undergo the same review process independent …

Doctoral Symposium

… will not be a part of the proceedings.

Important Dates

All dates are 23:59:59 AoE … of submission, all papers must conform to the [FSE 2024 Format and Submission Guidelines … not be anonymized), and must not exceed three pages including all text, references …


At the time of submission, all papers must conform to the [FSE 2024 Format …), and must not exceed four pages for all text, figures, and tables. An additional one … tool source code (if open source). * All accepted demonstration papers …

Student Volunteers

… a student volunteer is also a great way to meet other students from all over … to contribute to making ESEC/FSE 2024 a unique experience for all attendees.

Each … if you are unavailable on any pre- and/or post-conference program days. Not all

Journal First

… paper should have no more than 2 pages (single column) for all text and figures …. If an exceptionally high number of submissions is received, not all papers …, offering a balance across the conference topics.

Important Dates



… arise.

Important Dates

All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h …, you and your co-authors are subject to all [ACM Publications Policies](https …

Diversity and Inclusion

… Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are central to the goals of the ACM SIGSOFT and all of its conferences. Equity at its heart is about removing barriers, biases, and obstacles that impede equal access and opportunity to succeed. Diversity …


… in the proceedings or not. In either case, the title and authors of all presented posters …


… the artifact and all the necessary tools.

We expect that the artifacts have been … configuration) the authors can just save all documents in a single folder.

2 … request all authors to use Zenodo ( to generate the DOI …

Ideas, Visions and Reflections

… evaluation or lower quality is not a good FSE-IVR paper.


All papers …