Vulnerability management is important but labor-intensive for Linux distribution communities to continuously identify, assess, and fix vulnerabilities related to the system. However, due to the complexity of the vulnerability management process and the gap between maintainers’ needs and existing tools, there is little systematic study on the implementation of automated vulnerability management for Linux distributions. In this paper, in collaboration with Alibaba developers and community maintainers, we develop a vulnerability management system called CVECenter and conduct the industry practice on 3 Linux distributions, which are responsible for many companies’ internal business and external elastic computing services. We address the following challenges in developing CVECenter and deploying it to Linux distributions: cross-platform vulnerability sorting failure, multi-source vulnerability record structure inconsistency, large-scale vulnerability retrieval response delay, manual vulnerability assessment cost, vulnerability auto-fixing tools absence, and continuous vulnerability management complexity. At CVECenter, we have successfully managed over 9,000 CVEs that have affected Anolis OS. The system reduces the median time in the overall management by 4X, 19X, and 27X compared to the traditional three-step approach in the OpenAnolis community, Debian, and Fedora, respectively.