Wed 17 Jul 2024 17:12 - 17:30 at Sapoti - Fault Diagnosis and Root Cause Analysis 1 Chair(s): Muhammad Ali Gulzar

This paper presents Chain-of-Event (CoE), an interpretable model for root cause analysis in microservice systems that analyzes causal relationships of events transformed from multi-modal observation data. CoE distinguishes itself by its interpretable parameter design that aligns with the operation experience of Site Reliability Engineers (SREs), thereby facilitating the integration of their expertise directly into the analysis process. Furthermore, CoE automatically learns event-causal graphs from history incidents and accurately locates root cause events, eliminating the need for manual configuration. Through evaluation on two datasets sourced from an e-commerce system involving over 5,000 services, CoE achieves top-tier performance, with 79.30% top-1 and 98.8% top-3 accuracy on the Service dataset and 85.3% top-1 and 96.6% top-3 accuracy on the Business dataset. An ablation study further explores the significance of each component within the CoE model, offering insights into their individual contributions to the model’s overall effectiveness. Additionally, through real-world case analysis, this paper demonstrates how CoE enhances interpretability and improves incident comprehension for SREs.

Wed 17 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change

16:00 - 18:00
Fault Diagnosis and Root Cause Analysis 1Demonstrations / Research Papers / Industry Papers at Sapoti
Chair(s): Muhammad Ali Gulzar Virginia Tech
A Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of LLM-based Explainable Fault Localization
Research Papers
Sungmin Kang Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Gabin An Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
BARO: Robust Root Cause Analysis for Microservices via Multivariate Bayesian Online Change Point Detection
Research Papers
Luan Pham RMIT University, Huong Ha RMIT University, Hongyu Zhang Chongqing University
Fault Diagnosis for Test Alarms in Microservices Through Multi-source Data
Industry Papers
Shenglin Zhang Nankai University, Jun Zhu Nankai University, Bowen Hao Nankai University, Yongqian Sun Nankai University, Xiaohui Nie CNIC, CAS, Jingwen Zhu Nankai University, Xilin Liu Huawei Cloud, Xiaoqian Li Huawei Cloud, Yuchi Ma Huawei Cloud Computing Technologies CO., LTD., Dan Pei Tsinghua University
Costs and Benefits of Machine Learning Software Defect Prediction: Industrial Case Study
Industry Papers
Szymon Stradowski Wroclaw University of Science and Technology & NOKIA, Lech Madeyski Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Chain-of-Event: Interpretable Root Cause Analysis for Microservices through Automatically Learning Weighted Event Causal Graph
Industry Papers
Zhenhe Yao Tsinghua University, Changhua Pei Computer Network Information Center at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenxiao Chen Tsinghua University, Hanzhang Wang Walmart Global Tech, Liangfei Su eBay, USA, Huai Jiang eBay, USA, Zhe Xie Tsinghua University, Xiaohui Nie CNIC, CAS, Dan Pei Tsinghua University
ChangeRCA: Finding Root Causes from Software Changes in Large Online Systems
Research Papers
Guangba  Yu Sun Yat-sen University, Pengfei Chen Sun Yat-sen University, Zilong He Sun Yat-sen University, Qiuyu Yan Tencent, Yu Luo Tencent, Fangyuan Li Tencent, Zibin Zheng Sun Yat-sen University
DOI Pre-print
MineCPP: Mining Bug Fix Pairs and Their Structures
Sai Krishna Avula IIT Gandhinagar, Shouvick Mondal IIT Gandhinagar
DOI Pre-print Media Attached