Thu 18 Jul 2024 16:36 - 16:54 at Sapoti - Fuzzing Chair(s): Maxime Lamothe

Directed fuzzing recently has gained significant attention due to its ability to reconstruct proof-of-concept (PoC) test cases for target code such as buggy lines or functions. Surprisingly, however, there has been no in-depth study on the way to properly evaluate directed fuzzers despite much progress in the field. In this paper, we present a first systematic study on the evaluation of directed fuzzers. In particular, we analyze common pitfalls in evaluating directed fuzzers and empirically confirm that different choices in each step of the evaluation process can significantly impact the results. For example, we find that the choice of the crash triage method can substantially affect the performance of a directed fuzzer, while the majority of the papers we studied do not fully disclose their crash triage scripts. We argue that disclosing the whole valuation process is essential for reproducing research and facilitating future work in the field of directed fuzzing. In addition, our study reveals that several common evaluation practices in the current directed fuzzing literature can mislead the overall assessments. Thus, we identify such mistakes in previous papers and propose guidelines for evaluating directed fuzzers.

Thu 18 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change

16:00 - 18:00
FuzzingDemonstrations / Journal First / Ideas, Visions and Reflections / Research Papers / Industry Papers at Sapoti
Chair(s): Maxime Lamothe Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Dodrio: Parallelizing Taint Analysis Based Fuzzing via Redundancy-Free Scheduling
Industry Papers
Jie Liang , Mingzhe Wang Tsinghua University, Chijin Zhou Tsinghua University, Zhiyong Wu Tsinghua University, China, Jianzhong Liu ShanghaiTech University, Yu Jiang Tsinghua University
Evolutionary Generative Fuzzing for Differential Testing of the Kotlin Compiler
Industry Papers
Călin Georgescu Delft University of Technology, Mitchell Olsthoorn Delft University of Technology, Pouria Derakhshanfar JetBrains Research, Marat Akhin JetBrains Research, Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology
Evaluating Directed Fuzzers: Are We Heading in the Right Direction?
Research Papers
Tae Eun Kim KAIST, Jaeseung Choi Sogang University, Seongjae Im KAIST, Kihong Heo KAIST, Sang Kil Cha KAIST
Pre-print Media Attached
When Fuzzing Meets LLMs: Challenges and Opportunities
Ideas, Visions and Reflections
Yu Jiang Tsinghua University, Jie Liang , Fuchen Ma Tsinghua University, Yuanliang Chen Tsinghua University, Chijin Zhou Tsinghua University, Yuheng Shen Tsinghua University, Zhiyong Wu Tsinghua University, China, Jingzhou Fu Tsinghua University, Mingzhe Wang Tsinghua University, Shanshan Li National University of Defense Technology, Quan Zhang Tsinghua University
Look Ma, No Input Samples! Mining Input Grammars from Code with Symbolic Parsing
Ideas, Visions and Reflections
Leon Bettscheider CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Link to publication DOI
VinJ: An Automated Tool for Large-Scale Software Vulnerability Data Generation
Yu Nong Washington State University, Haoran Yang Washington State University, Feng Chen University of Texas at Dallas, Haipeng Cai Washington State University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
The Human Side of Fuzzing: Challenges Faced by Developers During Fuzzing Activities
Journal First
Olivier Nourry Kyushu University, Yutaro Kashiwa Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Bin Lin Radboud University, Gabriele Bavota Software Institute @ Università della Svizzera Italiana, Michele Lanza Software Institute - USI, Lugano, Yasutaka Kamei Kyushu University